Factor4 Coffee Latte

January 26, 2014

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Factor4 Coffee Latte Try Factor-4 iced coffee and tea lattes for cool summertime drinks that hydrate the body and build strong nutritional health. Ingredients 2 Scoops – Factor4 Weight Control® 8-10 oz – Black Coffee (cooled) 1 cup – crushed ice or ice cubes as desired Instructions Prepare a Factor-4 Power Shake. Add coffee and […]

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Factor4 Weight Control - Best Shakes & Smoothies for Weight Loss

Factor4 Orange Julius

January 26, 2014

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Factor4 Orange Julius Ingredients 2 Scoops – Factor 4 weight Control™ 6-8 oz – Orange Juice ¼ cup – Crushed Ice Instructions Mix well in electric blender Calories: 150 Fat: <1 Carbohydrates: 21.2g Protein: 11g 3.2.2265  

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